This is a survey to see busty girls competing against another busty Girl.
We will see Busty Merilyn versus Laurine, Touki vs Lolosavo (both pre BR), Jana Defi vs Lucie Wilde, Yulia Nova vs Sha Rizel, and more
Enjoy the ride as this will be avaiable only for 24 hours.
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The first question is the toughest. Sasha was the first name to come to mind but sorry I didn’t write Sasha… Just because I write one name doesn’t mean I would like to bang someone the other day. That’s gonna be another less busty or far more busty woman. That’s like your name list. Every name was all sexy af, too, like Faith.
1) VixenVirago. More preferably a random high-IQ girl I could talk to. I cannot imagine a weekend with a nutcase showing her body online going well lol. 2) Merilyn, she’s prettier and bustier. 3) Yulia I guess 4) Ewa Sonnet 5) Jana Defi and it’s not even close. She is one of the first girls with a dream body I remember. 6) Being famous is not a plus thing to me, I prefer my girls who don’t show their boobs online 7) Solomia – Gretta Grand looks bland (and that rhymes) whereas Solomia was a runaway model. Outside their boobs… Read more »
Can’t say for sure but for “brainy” girls with tits Yonia may be one… or otherwise anybody above 30 since they are more mature lol