We all have our favorite busty girls. However, when it comes to choose who is the best of the year, it should not be purely based on who own’s favorite is. The Committee for Miss BoobsRealm was implemented in 2018 after noticing that models promoting the content would have an advantage over girls with no promotion or social media. Years later we confirmed some fans were obsessed and either voted using VPNs or voted for girls who had great careers, but their impact in the boobs business in the year of reference was not as big as it should, meaning fans voted based on the girl’s past work.
Note: If I would add some retired legend to the contest I bet 50% or more of the votes would choose that legend, even if we are talking about the best girl of THE CURRENT YEAR.
The Committee
The Committee throughout the years had several members. Sometimes the Committee members had their own opinions. Boobs is not a fix science, and there is subjectivity to a certain degree. In 2021 the Committee was split between Tessa and Touki, but Touki eventually won due to fan voting. It would have been a heresy that the girl who got everyone talking in 2021, and has still people talking post BR would have lost in a year where Tessa Fowler was doing almost the same thing as in prior years. In 2022 the controversy arose as Mady Gio won thanks to the Committee. Mady was the most searched and talked about girl since 2020. It was the right choice to look back and see that Mady’s year was 2020, just as 2014 was Lucie Wilde’s year.
It is impossible to avoid controversy, but the new incarnation of the Committee composed of Johnny, who you know from the very well documented vintage guest posts, and long-time fan and boobs connoisseur, Big Boobs Agency join me to review the girls in the Round 2 and in the Finals.
In the past some Committee members were more inclined to give priority to hardcore content, while others were against tattoos, or not so pretty faces. One member of the Committee nicknamed Touki as “resting retard face”, and another did not like her face which was the reason why she did not win unanimously the Committee and the fan voting.
The Criteria
The members of the committee, and all fans voting are instructed to consider the following criteria
- Girl has caused impactor buzz on social media, forums, blogs with content produced within the last 12 months.
- Girl has content that presents more variations from shoot to shoot, or year to year. This is greatly seen when girls work for producers, do collabs, or are creative In the videos. Different angles, longer videos.
- Girl has to be someone who would have been perceived as a main eventer in the Golden Era. Tits, body, face combination. Someone who based on her 2024 looks could be in the same conversation, or closer, to a Merilyn Sakova, Lucie Wilde, Jana Defi, Ewa Sonnet (early days) etc.
- Girls has to either have constant activity, or have few shoots, which are important. A girl doing the same poses and videos, or very short videos is less impactful than girls working for producers, or making longer videos
- Consider if the girl has made any upgrade to her content comparing with prior years. Working for producers, opened an onlyfans, started nude, manhandling, hardcore.
- Optional: If it is evident that an agency runs the social media or spams the onlyfans with PPV, it could impact negatively the girl’s impact, as there would be no certainty she is as active as it seems, and most content going out may be recycled.
2nd Round – Committee Voting
- Winner of each of the 9 groups will advance to the semifinals. The winner obtains 2 points. The runner-up obtains 1 point.
- Committee members will consider the criteria above to vote for their winner in each group (2 points), and the runner-up 1 point.
- If girls with most points are already qualified thanks to the fan voting, the 3 girls who did not win their group, but obtain more votes will advance to the semifinals
Same criteria apply. Winner 2 points. Runner-up 1 point.
In fifa the fans chants don’t score goals.
Let that sink in.