This Group is very tough as fan favorite Laurine competes against Cara Cannon, who has been promoting the contest in social media. This does not mean that we are writing off Asta and Yana Love; however, both women may be having their “thanks for coming” moment. Unless you decide to try to make an upset.
Astar and her giant tits could put her ahead in this contest. IF tits mass is you main driver, she is your girl.
Cara Cannons
Nobody can deny that Cara Canoons has a great body. Being faceless could be a turn off for many; however, it has not been a turn off for the over 1 thousand fans who voted her eliminating Kate Stone.
Laurine started this year as a virtual unknown, despite being online since at least 2021. However, those tits cannot go unnoticed. Fans have expressed their preferences throughout the year; however, there is no denial that Laurine is universally loved. By the looks of the votes it seems she is the star of the year. On the contrary, there is a chance we might get Antonella Kahllo vs Lucie Wilde 2014 circa in this Group.
[Images not found]Yana Love
Another girl with superbe natural tits.
Astar- fat (she screwed up and showed her midsection in an insta photo).
Cannons- great bod but no face.
Yana- exquisite beauty but rack could be bigger
Laurine- The total package…THE GAME!!!
Cara Cannons has a face, but…
Sorry for astar. But laurine is unbeatable
You’re making my decisions impossible, as Yana is one of my current favorites….but I know Laurine will win this group.
Vote for the one you like most, not the one you think will win.