Group 10 brings us Amaretto Hammer, Cara Cannons, Hugetitsgerda, Makoshake, Pizanana, Tara Summers AKA
Amaretto Hammer
Busty Colombian with spectacular body. With the exception of the excesive ink, she is impressive. The best current active Colombian.
Cara Cannons
Last year her fans supported her in the first round, getting her eliminating Kate Stone. This time she may not be promoting the contest, as she was paired against Laurine in the second round.
Legendary underrated cam girl. She ages like wine.
Very cute busty girl. Another not so busty that is more fuckable than other girl with bigger tits and curvier.
Great tits on this Chaturbate cam girl
Pizdanana Cam Show
Tara Summers AKA
Busty Ukranian who does it all.
Damn, Amaretto looks good. How old is that pic, though?
No answer. I assume that means it’s an old pic from before the weight gain.
If she went back to that body she’d probably be my favorite Colombian.
She is. Those excessive tattos are her only flaw. Thats why I am torn between her and Cara Cannons. Without them it was easily her. Makoshake isn’t bad either.
Gerda’s face is meh, but her body/rack have always been stellar….
Gerda gets my vote any day. Such a class lady having porn udders like that. Beautiful and sexy!
Amaretto built different gawdamn😍😍😍🥵🥵🥵
Gerda with trim waste and also large breast very good. Is also enjoy Tara doing with the hard core and large breast is enjoy also!
I just noticed there’s no pic of Pizanana. That might be why she got almost no votes.
And I see Cara’s simp army didn’t help her this time lol
Oh really. When thst happens she advances to next round. Damn lol
This video made me appreciate Amaretto more. She seems like a nice lady, and I like it when a model from Latin America or Mainland Europe can actually speak English.