You may have or may not have seen this slim busty cam girl that used to go by Emmili_. She used to be on MFC, but it seems she is gone. Her claim to fame was last year. What a wonderful fuckable babe.
Take a look at this hot body. I have read your comments. I know a lot of you do not enjoy cam girls. Others do not enjoy solo models. However, as a result of tube sites pornstars make less and less money. Why would a girl fuck for 700 bucks, get fucked by a random dude and work for around 8 hours, including flights, having to deduct taxes for it, when they can make the same from home or escorting
Fortunately, so me girls are still entering porn. Watch Codi Vore Scoreland’s porn debut.
She works as Em_me on mfc now. But not online that much
The reason a girl would still work in porn is the reason they always would have. They either don’t have the knowledge or desire to put in the work of creating their own image, product, content, site, page, etc. Letting a producer pay you for an afternoon’s work that suddenly buys you a ton of exposure is why many women have done porn and why they have accepted relatively little for it. Also for a quick buck… With that they get an automatic boost in social media, job offers, hits on their content pages or web site or are able… Read more »