
The results are in. And also Johnny has expressed his opinions. I will also share my opinion. This post will end with the course of action for each of the 3 questions

Should Merilyn be in MBR12 Retro

Fan Voting: Over 73% of the fans want merilyn Sakova, the 2010 winner to be included in the MBR12 contest. 13% Think she should be excluded, while the remaining 14% consider she, Angela White and Samanta Lily should not participate.


I say this as someone who thinks Merilyn is the best Miss Boobsrealm: The matter isn’t whether she deserves to be in the contest, so much as whether that would be fair competition for the other girls.

Two months ago, Merilyn won the 15-year anniversary contest, beating even Tessa, who has the most wins, and Laurine, who is the most recent winner. Now, if the two most popular MBRs are no match for Merilyn, what are the odds that a group of women who modelled 13-20 years ago, many of them now retired and rarely talked about, will provide a challenge to the OG winner?

The general consensus among Boobsrealm readers seems to be that Merilyn is the GOAT, second to none. As such, regardless of who the other three girls who make it to the finals are, Merilyn will still win.

As for whether Sam Lily and Angela White should be included, my position is more neutral. For the sake of consistency, and since Tessa won’t be included either, perhaps we could remove the remaining MBRs from the contest as well. However, I don’t think Sam or Angela winning is anywhere near as certain as Merilyn or Tessa.

BoobsRealm: I do feel not having Merilyn in 2012 is very weird. however, she is one of the girls who can be called best of X year without even competing. It was annoying when Tessa’s fan boys made her win for 4 years, so while even more deservinly for Merilyn, I think it is better to add a new name. I have an idea, which I think could be controversial, but as Eric Bischoff would say “controversy creates cash”. Let’s find out in the final decision section.

MBR 2025 enhanced girl qualifying

Fan voting: The 55% of the voters consider fake tits should not be in the contest. The 27% of you said Cynthia A. should be included, while less than 12% voted for the others. In the comment section some suggested other girls, but the vast majority was against enhanced boobs.

Johnny: I feel very little attraction to enhanced boobs, but if most voters want them, I have no objections.

BoobsRealm: I do like a couple of enhanced girls. However, I will bow to the opinion of the majority. You can”t always get what you want. but honestly, I do not think Cynthia Abramsom or Demora Avarice will win. So let’s keep it to naturals fu n fact: MBR13 featured Denise Milani, Jordan Carver, Sophie Dee and a couple of others.

No Cynthia in MBR25


Which contest should be re-run?

Fan Voting: 64% of voters preferred to keep the results as is, while 18% wanted to re-run 2014.

Johnny: I don’t feel it’s really my place to say whether contests should be re-run, since I wasn’t aware of this site back in 2014 or contributed to it in any way in 2019. However, for what it’s worth, here’s my two cents:

One problem that has always existed with fan voting is that some people will vote based on what the models did their entire careers, instead of focusing solely on the year of the contest. With a re-run of previous contests, what will probably happen is that people will also vote based on what the girls have done since those years, which isn’t fair to the models who have retired since 2013/2014/2019. Moreover, some people will probably also vote based on which girls interest them the most nowadays, rather than back in the years of the contests. So, for example, back in 2014, Antonella and Lucie may have been the favorites, but currently Antonella isn’t very popular and Lucie is known for having done a BR. As such, neither may end up winning the re-run.

The point is, what we would get with a re-run would be a 2025 perspective of who should have won the previous contests based on what we know today. As such, even if there was cheating back then, the girls who would win the re-runs would not necessarily be the ones who would win the original contests if the cheating hadn’t taken place.

In conclusion, I vote for not re-doing any year.

BoobsRealm: It is always a travesty that the rules favored cheaters back then. However, we cannot re-write history. This blog is not CIA sponsored, so it is what it was. On the flip side, let’s remember that Lucie Wilde won the honorary Miss BoobsRealm held last year with all winners, and uncrowned best girls of each year. We can say Lucie is the only girl who defeated Merilyn Sakova in a leveled field. ( note: Samanta Lily won in 2015, but Lucie already had retired before the contest started, while Antonella Kahllo defeated Merilyn in 2013, but Merilyin already had her BR).

Final decisions

  1. While fan voting voted for Merilyn being included, it will be more exciting to not have her.  I did not exclude Tessa after winning 2MBR even thought I knew fanboys were going to vote. And I will not exclude Laurine in 2025, as she is still putting the best content in terms of quality and overall body. As a result, I have unilaterally decided to give Merilyn Sakova the chance to win another one in the 2011 competition, which was not going to take place. There are going to be 2 options. Either Merilyn Sakova gets awarded the 2011, or BoobsRealm will hold a 2011 contest with only 20 girls to declare a MBR2011. You will vote on that one.
  2. No enhanced boobs will be considered in the MBR2025
  3. There will be no re-runs of either MBR13, MBR14 or MBR19.

What do y0u think of the decisions. Now decide for the MBR2011!

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By Boobsrealm

Big Boobs Lover. twitter: @Boobsrealm_Vip Instagram: My top 10 favorites of all time: Katerina Hartlova, Merilyn Sakova, Lucie Wilde, Jenna Doll, Christy Marks, Tanya Song, Beth Lily, Karina Hart, Wendi White and Faith Nelson

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1 month ago

Good that there were no existing competetions altered. But if anything, 2019 contest should have been taken into consideration. Coz it was to same recurring Tessa Fanboy powershow.

1 month ago

“Two months ago, Merilyn won the 15-year anniversary contest”

No, she didn’t and everything written after that is moot. The person(s) using proxies and vpn’s made sure she received the most votes. This is the problem with all these polls, votes, and even comments. Until that’s fixed, none of these reflect anything other than somebody in their mom’s basement with too much time on his hands.

1 month ago

Merilyn has great boobs but she is no Vixen, who has an ass and the full package. Tessa is also proportionately better than Merilyn. When tits are equal look at the ass and body and in this sense Merilyn is nothing special.

1 month ago
Reply to  Boobsrealm

Your personal prejudices are clear to see and explain why you constantly rig these contests, they are not objective or democratic. If VPN was used on Laurine or Merlilyn we would not hear about it. Btw the Ukrainian has a deep husky male voice and would smoke during a lot of her videos, a habit that unfortunately caught up with her.

1 month ago
Reply to  Boobsrealm

But you did try a lot to make Gretta win, which was pointed out several times. That included making unnecessary rules and random reasonings, compromising a lot if girls by expressely showing disinterest to continue them despite them being added. Gretta failing to win after that doesn’t make you any less partial. You were openly rigging things all the time. When pointed out you say its some sore fans. Favourites not winning is not the same as them getting rigged, people complain about that. When you say he had ‘option to ignore’ it means there is something to ignore. Thats… Read more »

27 days ago
Reply to  Knight

“When tits are equal…” Merilyn always had the superior boobs in terms of shape, size and firmness. When Merilyn first started she was anorexically thin yet her boobs were still bigger than Vixen when she started and Vix was never thin like Merilyn. In the latter part of 2023 and all of 2024 one could clearly see the cottage cheese on Vix’s legs and butt, the complete loss of any waist definition in addition to the gain in her bust size. Merilyn filled out to pleasant bikini model slim, never had cottage cheese and her boobs grew in size completely… Read more »

Last edited 27 days ago by Bobby
27 days ago
Reply to  Bobby

There’s nothing flabby/cottage cheese or lopsided about VV’s body or boobs.

27 days ago
Reply to  numen

Her tits are a bit lopsided. She hides it by using angles or lifting them up, but in some videos you can see it.

But hey, it’s not as bad as say Giulia Wylde. I still think VV’s tits are great, but she’s not the Tessa killer I thought she was.

27 days ago
Reply to  Boobsrealm

Some slight asymmetry is forgivable, but one tit being two sizes smaller than the other is a deal breaker
comment image

26 days ago
Reply to  numen

Bwahahaha, you’re funny. Just b/c you are blind in one eye and can’t see out of the other doesn’t mean the clearly visible dimpling cottage cheese in her butt wasn’t there in several of her latest videos. As far as lopsided goes, her boob with the mole is at least two cup sizes smaller. This is something I spotted when she first started.  In one of her streaming videos there is a discussion about some saying her boobs were fake. She insists there are natural and says if they were fake why would she get them done with one bigger… Read more »

26 days ago
Reply to  Bobby

It’s funny how you’re Vixen’s staunchest detractor yet know so much about her and her content…

25 days ago
Reply to  scrothers

It’s the funniest damn thing of the year! Glad you are entertained.

26 days ago
Reply to  Bobby

Nah, she’s symmetrical, trim and tight. Definitely a GOAT tier physique to me.

25 days ago
Reply to  numen

She admits herself she is lopsided. You’re in denial.

26 days ago
Reply to  Bobby

Remove frequent usage unnecessary and idiotic words like cottage cheese and blind in one eye and maybe you shall be taken more seriously.

25 days ago
Reply to  Apsareshwar

If I were concerned about your opinion I would have asked for it. Did I ask for it?? Nah, I don’t remember asking for it either.
We are here grading women on their boobs and you worry about politically correct terms. Next time I’ll say Vixen Virago has cellulite, orange peel skin or hail damage and those that can’t see it are legally blind, seriously visually challenged or acutely myopic. Feel better now?? Stop being such a snowflake.

25 days ago
Reply to  Bobby

Didn’t even think it was about political correctness, I am someone who cares about reasonable decency but much less about being political correct. Half of the words you said went over my head and thats the point, I always welcome long replys as I give them myself, but have less usage of irrelevent words is what I am saying.

24 days ago
Reply to  Bobby

She looks very fit. That round ass, those thick legs and that muscular back aren’t the result of sitting around doing nothing.

Anyway you do you, we’re just talking about preferences, but there’s a reason why Merilyn did a BR whereas VV probably never will.

26 days ago
Reply to  Knight

It can be debatable which one has better tits. I am willing to incline more towards Merilyn on that one, but I agree that considered a the whole package, VV is superior. Its like some currently commisioned fighter jets, not as fast as its supersonic predecessor like F-14, but has Air Superiority.

25 days ago
Reply to  Apsareshwar

In your opinion she is superior but you know what is said about opinions. It seems your opinion is in the minority because VV has never won MBR. Merilyn’s record speaks for itself.
The Grumman F-14 Tomcat first flew in 1970. Your comparison of a half century old design to modern aircraft is ridiculous.

25 days ago
Reply to  Bobby

Nobody is even hating on Merilyn, most of us love her. Its your thing that you are unnecessarily dissing VV. And the aircraft allegory was not related to their ages and time. The point was that extremely fast vehicles existed earlier like F-14 and even SR-71 which was older and fastest, yet later on they chose to engineer something to be slower but with overall air supremacy. Merilyn has better tits I like to believe, breasts are to be given utmost importance too, not because of this website but I personaly think that way myself, but its also a reasonable… Read more »

24 days ago
Reply to  Apsareshwar

I’ve been told to stop so I can’t reply.

1 month ago

What’s the point of making a survey if you’re gonna do whatever you want to do? LOL

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