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Myths and urban legends are good to tell at the counter of the local café, yet they are not always told in this context and can very quickly fall into the collective mind.  This is how prejudices like “Asians have a smaller sex” or “redheads smell worse sex” arise.  Today we decipher myths about sex to allow you to see more clearly and no longer be fooled by the nonsense that can be told.

 10 breast myths you need to stop believing

  1. All breasts are the same

On the contrary !  According to several experts, we can categorize the different breasts into 7 types.  Breasts round, opposite, sideways, slender (long), bell-shaped, asymmetrical and teardrop.

  1. All nipples are the same

Just like breast shapes, there are 8 different types of nipples that you can see in platforms like jerkmate.  So they would be either bulging, flat, puffy, inverted, one inverted and the other bulging, bumpy, hairy and ultimately some people have 3 !

  1. Breasts are 100% fat

The breast is made of a combination of fat, fibrous material as well as glands and ducts from which milk can come out.

  1. Boobs have nothing to do with sex

In fact, the nipples contain hundreds of nerve endings.  In some women, stimulation of the nipples can bring about an orgasm !  It is not negligible.

  1. Both of our breasts should be of equal size

Almost everyone notices having one breast larger than the other, and 65% of those people say the left is the bigger one.  One theory is that it’s because the heart sits a bit more to the left in our rib cage.

Another theory is that since the majority of people are right-handed, women tend to breastfeed on the left to have their right hand free.  Over time, the left breast would therefore have developed to be larger.

  1. If we don’t wear a bra, our breasts will sag faster

In fact, this is unavoidable, bra or not.  Over time, the breasts lose some of their elasticity and will eventually sag a little.  This completely normal phenomenon can be accelerated by multiple pregnancies, or rapid weight loss or gain.

  1. Nipples are always pink

False, they can be of a multitude of different colors !  In addition, during pregnancy, a large proportion of people will notice that their nipples become much darker.  This is completely normal and due to the fact that the body produces more melamine during this time.

  1. Wearing a bra can cause cancer

This myth is completely false !  It is not recommended to wear an underwired bra while sleeping, for example, for comfort, but there is no link with cancer.

  1. Certain exercises can make breasts grow or shrink

When weight fluctuates, some people will see their breasts change in size, while others will not.  So, if you start intensive training or, on the contrary, suddenly stop everything, your breasts could change, but nothing is guaranteed.  In the same vein, no specific exercise has a direct impact !

  1. Breast size stays the same once you reach adulthood

Our breast size can fluctuate throughout our lives.  Again, weight gain or loss can affect their size, just like pregnancy.  It is often hormonal or lifestyle changes that will have an impact.

Some Dirtiest Ass Stories From Greek Mythology

  • Heracles could fuck without realizing it

When he was 18 years old, Heracles began his work (since Heracles is Hercules, huh), with a little wild animal hunt in the region of Cithaeron.  The lion ate the herds of the king of Thespies, Thespios, who was very happy to see a hero arrive to rid him of the scourge.  Thespios therefore hosts Heracles for 50 days while the little one executes the lion and it’s good that it lasts 50 days because Thespios has 50 daughters.  Coincidence ?  He thinks that having lots of little children with a guy built like Hercules as a son-in-law would be cool.  When Heracles sleeps at night, he therefore sends him a different girl every evening (we don’t know if they agree), without him realizing anything.  The guy must have been really exhausted by his days.  So it fucks while sleeping and, 9 months later, 50 Thespiades are born. Héraclès love big ass cams

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  • One of the many rapes carried out by Zeus

Zeus was a sex maniac to make Harvey Weinstein look like an altar boy.  Among his feats of arms, there is the time when he has a great desire to become Europe, a rather pretty young woman who was cushy with her friends in fields of flowers.  Except that Zeus could hardly fuck anything that moved because Hera opened his eyes and the good one.  So Zeus has an idea : he disguises himself as a bull.  But beware !  A nice bull.  He teleports into the field and Europe is charmed : she caresses him, hugs him, climbs on his back : and then BAM !  The bull begins to shoot towards the Crete to rape quiet Europe there.  She becomes queen of Crete and has lots of kids with Zeus.

  • Zeus used Hera as sexual bait for his enemies

During the famous war between the gods and the Giants, Zeus had a genius idea : to cast a spell on the king of the giants, Porphyrion, by forcing him to fall in love with Hera.  Anyway, Porphyrion sneaked into Olympus, grabbed Hera and started stripping her naked.  There, Hera called for help and Zeus took the opportunity to send him a big thunderbolt in the face while Heracles shot him with a bow.  It goes without saying that the maneuver was of no strategic interest.

  • Hephaestus was trying in every way to bang Athena

Athena was a virgin and chaste and she was quite proud of it.  But Hephaestus was spending his life trying to slip his penis into her and it was starting to get painful.  One day, Hephaestus tried to rape her, but he was much much much much much much much much much too excited and lo and behold, while she struggles, he finds himself ejaculating on her thigh.  Drunk but finally cushy, Athena wiped off the sperm, which fell to the ground and BOUM Gaïa found herself pregnant.  Needless to say, it was Hephaestus’ grandmother, Gaia.



By Boobsrealm

Big Boobs Lover. twitter: @Boobsrealm_Vip Instagram: My top 10 favorites of all time: Katerina Hartlova, Merilyn Sakova, Lucie Wilde, Jenna Doll, Christy Marks, Tanya Song, Beth Lily, Karina Hart, Wendi White and Faith Nelson

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2 years ago


2 years ago

Weird article with a myths no-one ever believed. The fact is women with big boobs tend to have a smaller ass and women with a huge ass tend to have smaller boobs.

1 year ago
Reply to  observer

unless they’re fat…

1 year ago
Reply to  observer

big doubt here
People have both, please take your silly claims elsewhere.

2 years ago

Excellent, passionate, thx !

2 years ago

Liked the girl of the middle, her name, or better, the three of them, please? Thanks.

Last edited 2 years ago by KaaMoS
2 years ago
Reply to  KaaMoS

Middle girls Gabbie Carter, your gonna enjoy googling her, my questions who’s the cam girl in last picture?

1 year ago
Reply to  Jinxster

Gabbie? Damn, she looks quite different with that hair look!

About the other girl, image file says she’s KenzieDawton. BoobsRealm usually puts model’s name as image file name. Nice tits as well!

Last edited 1 year ago by KaaMoS
1 year ago

This article is psycho shit, please keep this stuff to yourself. Weird af

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