I want to talk to you today on what I believe to be the top reasons why men like MILFs better than they do the teens and women of their own age. It is typically men in their 20s being attracted to women in their late 30s to their 40s and sometimes older. It would seem that they would want the 18+ teens because they have those smoking hot bodies and the fact that they love you and are so enamored with you that you could do anything to them, but really, that isn’t the case at all. I am not the one that is professionally trained so I may not always have the best advice or the best answers to things. Researching online using experts like milfpornreviews.com enhanced my knowledge about this subject further.

In a club setting, there is a lot of cat and mouse games going on, you can see some that chase older and some that chase younger, and almost always, the ones looking for the physical aspect, are chasing the younger girls that are smoking hot but don’t have much in the other areas of things.

Let me see if I can get to a Top 10 on this.

1) She’s independent, and not that “social media independent” like you see in some younger ladies that tell you she is but she goes home and sleeps in her parent’s house each night. This is more about the real independent; they have their own home, their own things, own car, etc.

2) She pretty much has her shit together, and she isn’t immature. She has her own job, her own money and she knows her own worth. She isn’t looking for a man or anyone else, to show her the way, she already knows that.

3) She isn’t after a relationship – she has likely been down that road and is not ready to go there again, so she is most willing to just have those one night stands, no strings attached. She i8s confidant in her own needs and knows what those are, so she doesn’t need or want any man telling her those things.

4) She does not want any more kids, providing she even has one or more, but if not, she may not want any at all, so no pressure there.

5) She doesn’t play any games, so trying that game is not in your best i8nterest. She has been there and done that and it’s old news she doesn’t even want to read again.

6) She is nurturing, unlike younger girls, she is more apt to take care of you than the girls that constantly want you to take care of them. She will cook for you, clean for you and take care of your sexual needs like no other.

7) She is not seeking attention seeking and slutty, she has gone through all of that. She is confidant in her own ability to attract men and being a slut has never worked out really, boys like those slutty types, young men want a woman with some dignity.

8) She is a classy lady, she isn’t going to be the one that ends up puking in the corner because she got so drunk that she can’t walk and her world is spinning. A MILF is a lot more classy than all that and she is over it. She doesn’t wear skimpy clothes that show every nook and cranny, she dresses in a way that compliments her body and knows how to work that.

9) Her experience far out shines the experience from anyone under their 20s, she has been there and yes, done all of that. She has been in relationships by now and knows that some creativity is needed to keep that light on. Her experience is tried and true, so by the time she gets to you, she is teaching you things about sex that you never knew were even possible.

10) She knows what she wants and it isn’t afraid to say so. She is a decision maker, so she does not need you to order for her or be responsible for all of the decisions on what she wants in bed to what she wants for breakfast, she is a big girl and can think for herself.

In closing, you better know what you are getting into when you decide to go trying to fuck a MILF, she already knows what she wants and how she wants it done and does not mind telling you. Have fun with her, knowing that you are not going to have to be stuck with a cling on and let her show you how she wants to be fucked, and I can bet that you will learn a few new things along the way. All of the above Top 10 are ways for you to get the best out of fucking a MILF, even if you have been doing it for a long time, the MILF will always let you know new and inventive ways to fuck her.

By Boobsrealm

Big Boobs Lover. twitter: @Boobsrealm_Vip Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/boobsrealm__com/ My top 10 favorites of all time: Katerina Hartlova, Merilyn Sakova, Lucie Wilde, Jenna Doll, Christy Marks, Tanya Song, Beth Lily, Karina Hart, Wendi White and Faith Nelson

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6 years ago

who’s in the last pic?

Gary Cochran
6 years ago

Real MILFs are in their 30-50s age group, porn MILFs are in their 20s.

Lots of these old blisters have nice bodies but the face always gives away their age (like the girl in the last picture).

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