angela white

Legends will compete in Group 1. Angela White, Leanne Crow, Busty Ema, Adriana Fenice.  All 4 ladies had stellar careers, even Adriana, who had a great career as a topless model, but now she is non-topless.

Adriana Fenice is non-topless now, but we cannot unsee her tits. If we are considering all naturally busty girls in the world, it makes sense to have the busty Russian in it.

Angela White has done it all. And this is why we put her against other legends. She is great. However, when girls are active for a long period of time, fans vote based on past videos and accolades and do not tend to consider what the girl really did in 2023.

Busty Ema is a very famous busty cam girl. A fan favorite. She plays with dildos between her tits and in her pussy.

Leanne Crow slimmed down a but in 2023. Some fans do not like that Leanne’s tits lost some volume; however, I think she looks better than ever. This is another case where fans may vote based on her work from prior years.

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11 months ago

I wasn’t familiar with Adriana. She looks pretty good.

And Angela White is a legend

11 months ago

LEANNE all the time

11 months ago

Leanne is washed up. Touki has my vote!

jonny swede
11 months ago

Adriana Fenice, aka Stacy Vandenberg, has my vote any day. Some of her past material is legendary.

11 months ago

He puts Brazil, Argentina and France in the same group, so Latvia can qualify from another. You don’t put all the top seeds in Pot 1, that’s not how fair competition works.

11 months ago
Reply to  Boobsrealm

You don’t understand seedlings. You don’t put the 1st and 2nd favourite in the same group, that way the 10th favourite (and clearly the 10th) cannot finish above the 2nd. Have you thought about a knockout in the last 8 like they do on Twitter with these contests? Groups are very subjective.

11 months ago
Reply to  Boobsrealm

There will be disputes at the end because that’s just the way it is, but a knockout would have an undisputed winner.

11 months ago

What’s the story with Fenice/stacy v? I know it is common for girls to regret their decisions in the adult industry and undertake efforts to scrub their content from the web, but she seems to have taken it to the next level. I’m talking about to the point where message boards, blogs, etc. are scared to even mention her. What gives?

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