It was 2001 and a bunch of hot barely legal girls flooded the internet becoming the objects of desire of many men all around the world. If you are at least older than 28 you must have heard of them: Tawnee Stone, XXX Raimi, Jordan Capri, Taylor Little and many more. These natural lolitas became internet sensations as they transformed the por world forever. The masterminds behind these successful project were Steve Lightspeed and Rochard, who run LightSpeed Media. The Arizona based company was responsible for transforming these coeds into the most wanted teens on the internet.
I had the pleasure and honor of meeting Rochard at the Qwebec adult convention. I spent some time talking to him and getting to know more about the guy who inspired me t create BoobsRealm. He gave me some inside information about how was LightSpeed and some BTS. For all the Tawnee Stone, Raimi and co. fans, this is going to be an interview for nostalgia. Read the interview, as some of the questions floating on the internet for 10 years are going to be answered.
Note: For 99.99% of you this is going to be news: If there is a BoobsRealm today, it is because of this man. Reward to 2008 and you will find me writing a short-lived mainstream blog where I interview some almost famous celebrities and Danielle FTV and Trina Michaels. I just googled my beloved XXX Raimi and came across with where I saw a new picture of her. I contacted Rochard for an interview. He kindly agreed to it; however, never took place because I never got to send the questions. Rochard took the time to advise me to stop blogging for free and start to working affiliate programs, to trade links and to find a niche that I love…. this is how that day BoobsRealm was born.
The LightSpeed girls site How long have you been in the adult business? How did you start?
Rochard: I started in 1997, shortly after I got online. This was back when most people built their own computer, so the people who were online were the real hard core geeks. I was instantly drawn towards web pages and web page design. Within a year I had opened up a daily bikini page call “Zachary’s Daily Dose”. This was back in the day when we had to update things by hand. Someone contacted me asking me to put banners up on my bikini site, he paid by check, and that was when I decided to make my own solo girl site. I found a model – the girl who lived upstairs – hired her and shot her and put together my first solo girl site. How did you get hot models as Raimi, Tawnee Stone, Jordan Capri and > many others?
Rochard: For the most part they answered ads we had placed in local magazines, mostly New Times. Some models cam through us by word of mouth – Jordan Capri, for example, was a friend of a woman who came into interview. Tawnee Stone became an internet sensation. Probably she was the most famous name in the early 2000s in the teen niche. Many say that LightSpeedmedia started the teen concept. What were the key success factors?
Rochard: Tawnee Stone was very popular back then, but it wasn’t so much based on Tawnee Stone as it was the affiliates who promoted her. The key was getting the content out to everyone who promoted her. There has been a lot of debate about the infamous Tawnee Stone only hardcore video. What happened there? Many fans speculate that it was fake cum. Most say the video is really a let down. Can you give us more insight of what happened?
Rochard: We wanted to take things to the next level, and Tawnee would only do it if it was with her boyfriend. Getting it up in front of a beautiful woman is easy enough, but getting it up and keeping it in front of three guys with cameras is another story. He just wasn’t up to it. Was the cum fake? I don’t believe it was…. It just took a lot of effort to get it there!
Tawnee Stone pic from the unfamous video There were some Raimi hardcore photoshoots. but the trigger was never pulled. Why did Raimi never crossed the hardcore route except for a couple of photoshoots?
Rochard: Raimi didn’t want to do any hardcore, so we did our best to work around that. She would masturbate on camera, play around with other chicks, but that was it. The cum in those cases were very fake. Steve lightspeed was the owner of the company. He created the rumor that Tawnee Stone died in a car accident. That generated some buzz, but then it was proved to be a hoax. What was the reason behind that?
Rochard: This was purely a marketing ploy – we wanted all of our affiliates to put her content out there one last time so we can make money off of her. Tawnee is alive and well so far as I know. Is there any particular shoot that you will never forget?
Rochard: In fact, there was. When I was originally hired some of my job responsibilities included being a photographer, but after the first year it was decided my strengths were elsewhere. One time we flew out to Southern California, and we rented out a huge studio – it was really a swinger’s club but had different rooms with themes – a radio station, a jail, a bondage room, a fake store…. One of our photographers wanted to take a break and his next set was going to be Raimi in the barn. I shot the pictures and we never told anyone about them.
Raimi was without a doubt my favorite. I spent hours on the internet searchign for new stuff Why do the girls from lightspeed never posed again for other sites?
Rochard: There was a number of different reasons. Some of the girls were in contracts. We were shooting in Phoenix, and we had agreements with other companies that we wouldn’t shoot each other’s girls. Arizona was the house of Lightspeed Media and then became the FTVgirls farm. Why is it that many nude models come from there?
Rochard: It was hot there, the girls always wore very little clothes, and loved to show off. It was also home to the University there and it was easy to recruit from. You are now working for What do you do there? What can people expect from the website?
Rochard: Dating and cams are the big trends in the online adult world, so it was logical that I made my way over to dating. Nearly everyone is into dating – half of the people are single, and the half that are married most of them cheat or are looking for a threesome…. I do both marketing and affilaite support for Dating Factory. Do you think we are facing the fading down of porn as a profitable business? What is the new trend?
Rochard: It’s become a lot more difficult to make money in the adult internet. Fifteen years ago all you need was a domain name and a cheap TGP script and you were making money in tewnty-four hours. Now… It’s a lot more difficult. The new trends in online adult is cams and dating. You can beat live. Almost nobody knows this, but the reason why exists is, indirectly, because of you. Back in the day in 2008 I started a mainstream blog and was interviewed some musicians, writers and models until I came > across with while searching for Raimi whereabouts. You told me that I should be blogging and earning money out of it and explained me about affiliate programs and trading links. I will be forever grateful for that!! So, my question is, what advice would you give somebody, now in 2014, in order to make money in the adult industry?
Rochard: Keep trying. I don’t believe in the “build it and they will come” concept, but instead I like the “throw a bunch of stuff at the wall and see what sticks”. Try one angle, and if it doesn’t work quickly try another…. After a while take a loot at what is making you the most amount of money and keep moving in that direction.
Don’t forget about busty Taylor Little! Do you think that solo girls can still make a living out of it? Or the business is pushing to hardcore?
Rochard: The business has always pushed towards hardcore, but solo girls can still make decent money. At the same time I would think a solo girl would have to work a lot harder than before – doing live shows and answering emails and stuff. What advice would you give to the models wanting to break-in into the adult industry?
Rochard: Be careful about who you choose to do business with. There seems to be two kinds of people in this industry – the people who want to see naked chicks, and the people who want to make money. Always go with the people who want to make money. The ones who just want to see naked chicks are creepy and will try to get you do to things. Outside the Lightspeed media world, who was or is your favorite model/pornstar?
Rochard: Without a doubt Faye Reagan… I love red heads!
Faye Reagan is without a doubt one of the prettiest girls that has ever gotten into porn. Rochard knows!!!!! What are your short-term and long-term plans?
Rochard: Both involve staying with Dating. This market is just getting bigger and bigger in the US. Mobile is becoming huge too. Is there anything you would like to add to the fans reading the interview?
Rochard: I’ve been very lucky in the online industry, always making good money…. Thanks to everyone for their support. It’s been a great ride really. Is there any advice you would like to give to
Rochard: Don’t stop what you are doing… There is something to be said for original content – real posts – and longevity. Keep the site going as long as you can!
I appreciate the time Rochard took for the interview. I will be forever grateful for his advice and comments. Tawnee Stone, XXX Raimi, Jordan Capri may be far away from the adult industry now, but they had a big impact in the earlier days of porn as we know it.
Now some pictures for your viewing pleasure:
Raimi and Tawnee posing together
Raimi with a guy.. I wish it would have been me!!!!
Tawnee Stone posing as a sexy teen
More from Tawnee hardcore attempts!