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Round of news that bring mixed emotions. Stunning Vladochka does boy/girl, Maggie Green commemorates her 20-year career, we introduce you to Ashley6Ginger and her poor photo-shop skills and the latest update on Makayla Melons.

Maggie Green posted on twitter one of her photos from her first ever shoot for Pinupfiles. She went by the name Maggie and a blog that existed at that time in 2003 named her Maggie Green. She thought it was a one-time deal, but it ended up lasting 20 years and counting.

Travel in time and check out Maggie Green on Pinupfiles

maggie green pinupfiles

Ashley6Ginger is a Mexican redhead that got popular online because she allegedly has huge tits. However, any argument about the real size of her tits gets thrown out of the window when we see her full-body pictures. She seems to love adobe photoshop. but lacks the skill to use it smoothly. While many girls online alter their photos, Ginger just went too far. her tik tok

Busty MILF Makayla Melons becomes one of the top girls on new app Clapper. This app is like tik tok but nudes. Girls stream live and can do it all for some tips. Her twitter:

Now it is time for a girl that impressed us all. Vladochka. The slavic princess is doing hardcore. So far we know of 2 short BJ videos. Check her out for more.

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1 year ago

So heartbreaking when you find out a busty chick you like is using photoshop or fisheye lens to make her tits bigger. It happened to me with this reddit girl from India. I forgot her name.

And Vladochka is great.

1 year ago
Reply to  Artie

obviusly on onlyfun

1 year ago
Reply to  pline

Not just on OnlyFans, unfortunately…

1 year ago
Reply to  Artie

AI generated images look more real than these pics from Ashley6Ginger

1 year ago
Reply to  spermlatte

Yep. Only an idiot would think the first pic is real…

1 year ago

Was a big fan of Maggie Green early in her career….and then she got fat. Still has a pretty face/decent tits, but that’s about the extent of it.

1 year ago

Vladochka without the tats is a 10. With the tats she’s a 2.

1 year ago
Reply to  CBR

Lol, some guys really hate ink.

I’m not a fan of tats, but they don’t really bother me unless a woman goes Travis Barker with them.

1 year ago
Reply to  Artie

I’m less concerned about (tasteful) ink than implants or piercings. Both are IMMEDIATE turn-offs.

1 year ago
Reply to  Shmoo_usn

I agree with you about implants.

Piercings, like tats, don’t bother me unless they go too far.

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