
Everyone has their taste in women. Some guys prefer big boobs, others care more about the shape than size. Some prefer small tits. That’s great because it means there’s someone out there for everyone.

However, this article will focus on guys who are all about massive balloons. As we all know, well-endowed ladies aren’t that easy to find, and once you do, it’s not that you can claim them because you found them.

To help you spend more time with your hands and other body parts on big, juicy breasts, we’ll provide tips on seducing women with big boobs. And we’ll mention some enormous mistakes guys make while flirting with such ladies.

Choosing the Right Platform

Before we get to practical tips, we’ll mention a mistake guys make. They join a random dating site and expect to meet busty girls there. And that’s fine. They may succeed. But it may take them a lot longer than needed if they join a generic site where it’s unclear what type of dating someone wants.

Men who want to get hookups should join a casual dating site, not a site where women log in to find husbands. On, women expect guys to want to move things quickly because they create profiles to meet guys to sleep with. And even though not all women there have massive juggs, the “body type” filter helps men quickly filter out only those girls whose cleavage makes it impossible to look them in the eyes.


Creating an Attractive Profile

For the love of DDs, don’t upload a pixelated photo as a profile photo and write a description that says: “I only want to fuck girls with big boobs.”

It won’t work. Ever.

Upload an HD profile photo. And show personality through your profile instead of only sharing your taste. Such descriptions have an aura of desperation. And busty women don’t let desperate men play with them.

Initiating Meaningful Conversations

Another massive mistake men make when approaching girls with big boobs online is focusing on their boobs.

Busty ladies know that they have big tits. Men who try to initiate a conversation by telling women that they have enormous breasts rarely get replies, let alone to play with mentioned boobs.

Instead of focusing on the obvious, treat those ladies as human beings, not just hot chicks. They’ll react a lot better. You’ll look a lot less desperate. And you’re more likely to keep the conversation going if you can talk about something else than their body. Remember, they’ve heard all of that.

Show Understanding, and Don’t Be Selfish

Here’s a pro tip…

Search forums for discussions where busty women share their frustrations and problems. A common problem is back pain.

Don’t send messages in which you say that you’d love to get a tit job from them because their tits are so great. Instead, mention naturally through the conversation that you’re aware of the problems they have to endure. Don’t say her back must hurt because of those massive tits. Say that you could massage her back to help her deal with tension and pain. It’s a lot more sophisticated. And more importantly, it’s focused on her (as a person, not her body parts), not only on your pleasure.

Don’t Forget Body Positivity

Not every girl with massive balloons is skinny. Some girls with big boobs are plus-size, which is fine. Your job (if you like that body type) is to let them know they’re beautiful the way they are.

If plus-size women aren’t your cup of tea, keep browsing. Don’t be one of the guys who goes around sending hateful messages to plus-size girls. You can’t gain anything from that. They can lose confidence and self-esteem. It’s a lose-lose situatioFIRESCOTCH12 amateur

Understanding Consent

Seek consent. Always online and once you meet in person. Let’s say that you’re on a video call with a hot chick with big tits…

Don’t ask her to undress after talking for 4 minutes. Of course, if you’re on a hookup site, flirt because you want to steer the conversation in a direction that leads to sex. But do it with style. Don’t be pushy. And if things start getting hot, ask her if she’d like to take off her bra.

That’s how consent works. Instead of giving orders, you ask questions.

That makes the other person feel valued and gives them the right to decide if they want to let their tits out on that video call. (Because some women don’t like getting naked on video calls even though they’re absolute beasts once the bedroom door closes behind them.

So many guys waste opportunities to experience hookups because they make the mistakes above. Don’t make them. Your sex life will blossom.


By Boobsrealm

Big Boobs Lover. twitter: @Boobsrealm_Vip Instagram: My top 10 favorites of all time: Katerina Hartlova, Merilyn Sakova, Lucie Wilde, Jenna Doll, Christy Marks, Tanya Song, Beth Lily, Karina Hart, Wendi White and Faith Nelson

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Max Hastings
1 year ago

Or you can just talk to busty chicks that you meet in the real world.

1 year ago
Reply to  Max Hastings

Ah, you must also be from Generation X. Nice.

Max Hastings
1 year ago
Reply to  Tony

Yes indeed. How’d you guess?

1 year ago

Go out and meet real women in the real world. Get off dating sites and apps. They are filled with women who look nothing like they do in person anyway.

1 year ago

Some good and some suspect advice here. Re: Consent, if you ask permission to do everything then you come off like a scared little poon who lacks confidence. She’ll let you know if you have consent. And in any case, their oral consent given at the time of coitus means jack squat when she has regrets and levels a false charge at you x years down the road. If you want the kind of consent that is worth something, take a video recorded statement and get her to sign a notarized consent form. Body positivity: Ok, maybe don’t go out… Read more »

1 year ago

How about meeting people in the real world, that is the most logic way to do it, just like this guys on this post were talking about. I like what they have to say,Max Hastings,Tony, Titman, they know what they are talking g about, this site that boobsrealm is trying to hook guys up with these type of women seems fake, or possibly a scam, stop trying to keep guys hopes up with these bull crap sites, there are just trying to take your money. I just want to say meet girl in the real world, that is the way… Read more »

Last edited 1 year ago by erico2002006
1 year ago

Finally, the article that no one has been asking for.

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