Now the final 2 comments from Ninersfan and MonkeyboySam
Ninersfan comments:
Touki is such an amazing newcomer and has given a nice shot of fresh blood to the community, but after going back and forth I still decided to go with Tessa for reasons I had mentioned in the previous round. She’s the defending champ, still in her prime and has had her biggest and best output of content this year. If there was any year that Tessa should win, I could argue that there were none better than the last two.

I think it’s undeniable that Tessa is still at the top of her game. Stepping up her production and creativity with her content is always
pleasing to see and it can not be said enough that her breasts and body are absolute perfection, which is why my two votes go to her.
A lot of my favourites throughout the competition have been eliminated. My current favourite, Rocketbabey, is absolutely sexy with
her solo photos or hot videos with her boyfriend; Claire Deslunes is an incredible newcomer; Australian girl Wettmelons has perfect firm
breasts with a slim body AND films hardcore with her boyfriend (yet geoblocks any prospective Australian fans!); But, my 2nd vote goes to
Touki since I did vote for her at one point and she is very very cute with phenomenal breasts and is very consistent with the level of content she produces on her OnlyFans.
Tessa aged… tits are not so great as they were before, still nice however and a great loyal fanbase
Prefer no wrestling metaphors thanks man!
After all WWE is rigged, we’d all like to think this contest isn’t.
it is not rigged. but there are MANY wrestling fans following the blog.