viola baileys 2016 hardcore

Breaking news! Pierre Woodman has confirmed there is a new Viola Baileys hardcore movie coming out in July 1st. Woodman confirmed that said movie is part of the Wake up N Fuck series. This statement has fired up speculation among fans. Some believe that the Viola Baileys Wake Up N Fuck was shot back in the day when Viola was shooting porn with her then boyfriend Ray Boss. Others do not understand as Pierre Woodman and Viola said Viola Baileys would only do solo and girl/girl.

viola baileys wake up n fuck has got unofficial word that the Wake Up N Fuck was shot in Los Angeles just before Viola Baileys quit the States. Pierre Woodman went to California to visit Viola and shot the secret scene. So far this is a rumor, but you know that Boobs Realm has been spot on on rumors. So get ready to watch a brand new Viola Baileys porn scene and check out Pierre Woodman’s Wake Up N Fuck.

If we go down memory lane I posted that I was under the impression that Woodman wanted Viola Baileys only for him. So far things have gone that way. She only shot hardcore for him and when she was about to start talks to shoot for Blacked and Tushy she went back to Latvia. I also predicted that Viola Baileys relationship with Woodman would effect hers with Ray Boss as Woodman wants Viola Baileys just for him.

Let’s wait and see how this story develops and wait for confirmation from Woodman himself that the scene was shot in 2016 in LA. Remember that Woodman denied having sex with Viola in her casting and Viola herself said in Viola Baileys  interview with Boobs Realm that it was a lie that she fucked other producers and she only had sex with her boyfriend. This would not be the first time words do not match actions.

Rumor also is that the Wake Up N Fuck is not the only hardcore scene Viola Baileys has done and that we can expect more than one dick in one of the scenes… will this be true?

UPDATE 15/06/16 – Pierre Woodman has stated on this forum that no scene with Viola was shot in the US. So let’s wait an see if the scene in vogue is actually a hidden gem.

Note: Screencaps from past Viola Baileys hardcore scenes

viola baileys hardcore

On a side note, let me take advantage of this very interesting post to introduce you to busty Karolina who just debuted for Czech Casting. The big tits czech has giant natural boobs and she uses them to fuck cocks! Below some previews, but go to Czech Casting to watch Karolina full movie.

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By Boobsrealm

Big Boobs Lover. twitter: @Boobsrealm_Vip Instagram: My top 10 favorites of all time: Katerina Hartlova, Merilyn Sakova, Lucie Wilde, Jenna Doll, Christy Marks, Tanya Song, Beth Lily, Karina Hart, Wendi White and Faith Nelson

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8 years ago

I don’t understand how someone as beautiful and perfect as viola can only get work with woodman!

8 years ago
Reply to  lion

completely agree, he is an ass

8 years ago

From the outside looking in Woodman seems like a very unsavory individual.

8 years ago

yeah, pw seems to be really stunting her career. she could/should be a much bigger star than she currently is

8 years ago

Everybody loves to trash Woodman when they don’t even know him. They forget the number of superstars he either discovered or made them the household name they are today (for pornstars) by convincing them to do anal, DP, etc… If you were in his shoes and you got to nail a girl like Viola wouldn’t you want to try and keep her ONLY shooting for your company? Besides the fact that he is NOT holding her back, Ray Boss is.

8 years ago
Reply to  GC

Besides Silvia Saint and Tanya Russof (who was PW wife) what other star did he discover? I am not bashing him, but I would like to know who I am missing out. Also consider that PW had the Private machine back there behind him. The world and the adult industry has changed in the last 20 years. Making Viola go from solo to anal was a mistake. She could have done a handjob, titfuck, then BJ, then go harder to keep interest. Still Viola Baileys can be a star. However, unless your name is Lucie Wilde, nobody has been able… Read more »

ca uk
8 years ago

Totally agree jc, she moved way to fast. Anal and dp should always be slowly built up to, she should have done more solo work and perhaps got with score to build up her profile before a gradual move into hardcore starting as jc says a tit fuck and then basic hardcore and dildo stuff. Woodman has not helped her career one bit in my opinion

8 years ago

Woodman in my experience is a very thorny character to deal with, which is why I left his site. In fairness, he did get Viola to do that wonderful impromptu blow bang which could have merged seamlessly into a gangbang. However, you can’t have it all. Now it seems she is back under his wing and about to do another live interview on his site which by anyone’s reckoning could mean that we might see more new material from them. Not going to hold my breathe but it wasn’t so long ago that Viola broke off from porn altogether. Now… Read more »

8 years ago

Furthermore…if PW and Viola have absolutely no intention of giving this protracted project a final kick in the ass, it seems to me that PW is merely flaunting the fantasy to keep people begging and subscribing. Ultimately, he has (TBC) the finest piece of eye candy the porn world has seen for years and has, as yet, been unsuccessful in following through with the one thing HE DOES BEST which DP Gangbangs!! We’ve seen a bit of lezbo action, anal, BJ’s. We don’t want more of the same. Some will be happy enough with anything he pushes out. Some of… Read more »

8 years ago
Reply to  David

Viola is no longer with Ray Boss. Pierre told me to join the live chat on Saturday. I may do it if I can catch them on my time zone.

8 years ago

It’s fair to assume that since he has her on a live feed again, the hard questions will come thick and fast and I certainly doubt that he will set himself up for a fall if she declares that she’s not doing anymore B/G. The odds are…we’ll get the goods this time. Here’s hoping for a well shot scene with four guys and some hot lingerie – oh and lots of DP!!

8 years ago

Hopefully the live chat clears up a lot of the confusion about her career. She’s here then not, new material then it’s absent, blacked etc etc

ca uk
8 years ago

Lots and lots of speculation but nothing yet, i think this is a storm in a teacup and i for one wont hold my breath

8 years ago

I agree. Viola herself has said that won’t do B/G again, Pierre has reaffirmed this many times. Why is she back with him then? Why put her on a live feed if she has no intention of doing hard sex on camera? Is she just his favourite mascot? It’s been two years since the start of this whole thing and nothing new to report. Should we care?

8 years ago

Pierre’s greatest find and biggest failure in my opinion.

8 years ago
Reply to  Ninja

Pierre didn’t find her. She was around a year before meeting Pierre

8 years ago

Either way, he hoisted her from obscurity and she came so far. It must kill him he can’t get her to do his bidding in the way he (and we) wants.

8 years ago
Reply to  Ninja

She was in DDF and met-art before. And he has gotten more than we have seen. so believe me. PW is the one getting everything he wants and more from her.

8 years ago

He’s got more than we have seen? I really want to believe that. I’m sure you’re right. I recall asking PW if he had done a gangbang with her on camera and his answer was always no, and that we never would see that. That of course may have changed. Considering she has done everything but, it strikes me as odd that even when she was with Ray Boss she still performed with PW, David Perry, Mancini fellow, did anal over and over, yet the gangbang just couldn’t happen. Can’t make the connection there.

8 years ago

So PW says there will be a new scene with Viola on his site tonight. Will we see something we haven’t seen before? DP? Or is this just another archive video with more of the same? Thoughts?

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