We have love Adriana Catargiu for a couple of years now. We love her boobs and face. However, this post is to raise awareness of a family tragedy that could impact any of us anytime. Sadly her house caught fire and she and her family lost everything.
Adriana is one of the hottest busty blondes who are non-topless. That has allowed her to gather many fans. We do like to share her photos and fantasize about her. However, there is always a human side to the girls. Things we do not think about or we do not see. This time Adriana and her family are going through a rough stage due to an involuntary fire in their home, which made them lose everything.
Adriana is receiving some donations within Romania, but she has open an international account for those outside Romania who want to collaborate with her.
here you can take a look at an online newspaper: https://www.stireasucevei.ro/prejudiciu-de-circa-100-000-de-euro-provocat-de-incendiul-de-proportii-care-a-facut-scrum-o-gospodarie-din-capu-campului-in-prima-zi-a-anului/
That’s so sad to hear. Colorado had a hit of wild fires back in 2021 and people are still recovering. I can’t imagine what she is going through. Wish her and her family the best.
For a second I thought she lived in Pacific Palisades.
This is sad. Hope she gets out of this problem soon.