Kaho Shibuya fucked

Kaho Shibuya is a busty Japanese pornstar that I’m featuring for the first-time ever. Amazing tits and great face. Today I also share an interview that Casey Deluxe gave to DailySport. The article has several hot photos of Busty Casey.

Casey Deluxe was interviewed by UK’s own Daily Sport. The German blonde vixen got her official introduction to the British scene. Read the FULL INTERVIEW HERE.

Visit Casey Deluxe’s Official Website where she put up great photos and videos that range from topless to pissing and preggo content.

Also Take a look at Casey Deluxe on Yesboobs, which is the site that has featured her more for American fans.

Watch Casey Deluxe on YesBoobs

Time to meet Kaho Shibuya. The busty Japanese is only 4 feet and 11 inches, but her tits mega udders that would even be big in a taller girl. So just look how awesome she looks.

It is amazing to get her fucked and jizzed all over. I hope I can meet her at the next AExpo. Check out the following tweet.  I have no idea what this means but I love it.


Watch Kaho Shibuya Hardcore on R18.com

By Boobsrealm

Big Boobs Lover. twitter: @Boobsrealm_Vip Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/boobsrealm__com/ My top 10 favorites of all time: Katerina Hartlova, Merilyn Sakova, Lucie Wilde, Jenna Doll, Christy Marks, Tanya Song, Beth Lily, Karina Hart, Wendi White and Faith Nelson

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7 years ago

Kiho is fucking amazing. Could she be the next Hitomi?

7 years ago

I’m loving a bit of Kiho. Personally I’d take her over Hitomi all day long.

7 years ago

I do NOT follow and I do not share or download censored japanese porn videos., Kaho Shibuya might be good but they censor pussy and other things, what the effort? Just simulate it, it will be covered with digital mosaic and nobody will know what happened there… 🙁 🙁 🙁

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