annabel redd porn rookie

This year brings another future superstar. After meeting Gabbie Carter and Josephine Jackson, let’s welcome busty redhead Annabel Redd.

The moment I saw Annabel Redd I saw a star. She is only 5’5 but has natural 32 G boobs! Amazing and firm. A perfect body and a cute face. Annabel Redd is the recent discovery of Brian -who has another stunner I will introduce you to tomorrow-.

Annabel’s first scene is out on Monday for Shot Her First. The busty newcomer gets pounded hard and gets her tits fucked. She has already shot several scenes for a few manyvids studios and Family Therapy. I do think we are witnessing the next big star. Take a look at her pictures and follow her on twitter @AnnabelRedd.

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BoobsRealm has already touched based with her agent to have her in the upcoming BoobsRealm studio. We will know if we can count on Annabel by the end of August. Cross fingers…. And if you want to donate for the scene, please contact me…

Now meet this busty gorgeous lady!


She did her first porn for ShotherFirst. Maybe we can see her soon on CUm4k

By Boobsrealm

Big Boobs Lover. twitter: @Boobsrealm_Vip Instagram: My top 10 favorites of all time: Katerina Hartlova, Merilyn Sakova, Lucie Wilde, Jenna Doll, Christy Marks, Tanya Song, Beth Lily, Karina Hart, Wendi White and Faith Nelson

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