Welcome to Miss BoobsRealm 2021. Below the details about the contest and the rules.
- Voting for the First round starts Dec 2nd and ends Dec 15th
- Fan voting defines who wins in each of the 17 groups (A to Q)
- The Committee members will vote for each member’s first and second pick in each group. The Girl picked first gets 2 points whereas the girl picked as #2 gets 1 point. The 3 girls with the most points advance to the second round. In the case of draws, fan voting will be used as a reference to define who advances to the next round.
- Second round starts Dec 17th and ends Dec 23rd.
- Final Round starts Dec 24th and ends January 1st.
- For the 2nd and Final rounds fan voting is worth 2 points. Each of the 4 Committee members vote is worth 1 point. In case of draw fan voting gets the preference to determine who advances or wins.
- The contest is run on Crowdsignal which identifies when someone tries to cheat in favor of a model or helps identify fans using VPNs to vote for a certain model. In case of cheating, disqualifications might take place.
- The Winner of Miss Boobs Realm 2021 will get: Symbolic prize of #200, a shoot for BoobsRealm valued in 4-figures, a commemorative t-shirt.
To view the members of each Group please go HERE:
Now let’s go with Group M
Click on the names of each girl to see more of the girl.
Wtf? You’ve got Rina twice and no tessa?
How do I vote for Tessa? There’s 2 Rina Chills?