mysti c face

Set of news with  3 amazing busty girls. Mysti C returns to Nadine’s site. Hitomi Tanaka uncensored photos and busty amateur Chloe Rose Samantha retires.

Busty Chloe Rose AKA Robochlobro is calling it quits. Sadly a great promising girl is not gonna be selling more stuff. She was one of the hottest amateurs on the internet last year. However, this excitement got to many guys who stupidly shared her stuff. Not all girls are making 10k-40k a month on Onlyfans. Chloe was always happy to create content and never tried to scam or overcharge people. It is saddening that a girl like Chloe Rose, who had a fair price has to leave this big boobs world, whereas girls such as J.B. charge $30 for a 40 seconds handbra video and gets $2000 bucks in tips for a censored version of her censored video. Simps are stupid! And leakers are the most stupid idiots in the world.

Maybe you can join her and convince her to stay?

chloe rose samantha

Fuck… now I am pissed off to continue.. but anyways, Mysti C is Back. Hurray! It has been a year since the last time we saw her. She might have shot a handful of sets and videos in her latest trip t the city where the content is shot. So there is more Mysti C coming soon. Visit Nadine’s site for more.

I got these two photos. I thik they were able to unblurr the images. It is for you to debate whether these are legit or not. Hitomi Tanaka’s pussy Uncensored

Support this blog by joining the BoobsRealm Onlyfans. It is $15.98 and you will watch over 40 videos for that price. So you help the creation of content and the motivation to continue blogging.

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By Boobsrealm

Big Boobs Lover. twitter: @Boobsrealm_Vip Instagram: My top 10 favorites of all time: Katerina Hartlova, Merilyn Sakova, Lucie Wilde, Jenna Doll, Christy Marks, Tanya Song, Beth Lily, Karina Hart, Wendi White and Faith Nelson

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Julius Peppers
3 years ago

Are you seriously asking if those Hitomi photos are real? Totally fake…the top one at least has been floating around for nearly a decade.

And the second one even says ART!!! Not an actual photo.

Last edited 3 years ago by Julius Peppers
3 years ago

It’s a fake decensored image, just take a look to the watermark.
That site is known for sharing/selling that kind of images. However, they look quite well.

[…] I also think that Samanta Lily who was absent in the last 2 contest might be back as she is working hard. On the othder hand this is the year for the change of the guard, for good or for bad. The careers of the girls we all loved for years might be winding down or at least not be at the level of interest as the new girls. On the other hand, how many of the new girls will remain longer than 2 years? Lolosavo is gone, Chloe Rose retired (see previous post). […]

Bob Smith
3 years ago

No, those shots of hitomi are fake…you should know that.

Julius Peppers
3 years ago
Reply to  Bob Smith

Of course he should, but he doesn’t.

Last edited 3 years ago by Julius Peppers
3 years ago

Mysti C is a pretty girl

no no
3 years ago

Lol are you actually promoting onlyfans on here now? What trash.

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