ddf lucie wilde

Finally it happened! Thanks to the powers that be and due to the Corona Virus situation -and the lack of revenue for many people- Lucie Wilde accepted to do an online interview with BoobsRealm.

Of course Lucie Wilde had to do it. After all BoobsRealm is the only website that got a hold of her back in 2014 – Read the original Lucie Wilde interview

Lucie did not have much time, but at least gave us the chance to clear up many topics. As always, she was very “enthusiast” and just replied with short sentences.

BR: Thanks for the opportunity. The whole world was waiting for this for a long time!

LW: I don’t understand. There are many girls with big tits out there. I am just a simple girl.

BR: A simple girl with spectacular out of this world tits.

LW: Liar!

BR: So what have you been up to since you retired in 2015?

LW: I just watched TV and laid on my couch. I’m lazy

BR: And the kid…

LW: Yes. I have a babygirl.

BR: So how did that come up?

LW: I fucked, he came inside me, 9 months later there she was.

BR: LOL that was obvious. I mean. Was he your boyfriend? Are you married now?

LW: Not married. Too many question.

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BR: What about Argos

LW: He is getting DP in jail. I don’t care. He took my money.

BR:  Rumors about your breast reduction surfaced last year. Is that accurate?

LW: You tell me. You post it =)

BR: Several sources confirmed it.

LW: Also aliens control the world according to the internet. No. I lost weight. Baby sucked a lot of tits and bit them. They look uglier now and smaller.

BR: Uglier? They were not ugly

LW: They were. Who likes big tits? I was bullyied when I was in school for having big tits.

It seems Lucie almost cried here

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Lucie Wilde in the saddest cumshot in porn history

BR: That is why you did not wanted to do porn?

LW: I never thought I was going to look good naked for others. I was told ugly tings. That I could never see my feet. IF i stick my tongue out I will fall face down and more. I hated them

BR: And they made you money

LW: Yes. People are crazy.

BR: So you never liked doing porn?

LW: No. I don’t like it. never watched it before. Never watched me. I dont like to fuck. I dont care.

BR: So not even one shoot?

LW: Hmm. Maybe a few times when people where not serious. But it took too long. Too many things. No. not fun.

BR: So you would never go back?

LW: Never. I got offered 5k for a shoot for the German site. I said no bye.

BR: So what message would you like to give to the fans now?

LW: Bye

BR: Just that?

LW: Yes. I have to go. Thanks.

Watch Lucie Wilde DP in Legal Porno

and thanks for the photo!

Lucie Wilde boobsrealm

And if you made it to this part….please click on the link below for the video of Lucie Wilde saying hi to us.


lucie wilde DPHappy April’s Fools Day!

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By Boobsrealm

Big Boobs Lover. twitter: @Boobsrealm_Vip Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/boobsrealm__com/ My top 10 favorites of all time: Katerina Hartlova, Merilyn Sakova, Lucie Wilde, Jenna Doll, Christy Marks, Tanya Song, Beth Lily, Karina Hart, Wendi White and Faith Nelson

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chris dunbar
4 years ago

wow she really hates you

4 years ago

So does that mean all of it, including her words, was completely fake? I was going to ask if you found out what her current breast size was and what picture it was referring to at the end? Thank you

4 years ago

Excellent AFD joke I must say.

4 years ago

A little jaded…too much too soon for that young girl.

4 years ago
Reply to  Ginley

Porn is jading. All of them, wether sooner or later, are or will be extremely jaded. It’s a natural result of all this.

4 years ago

wow !! i was really excited while i read it. Even though she isn’t going to ever do porn again, i was happy to know that she didn’t have a breast reduction, it’s a crime against humanity to kill one of the best pairs of tits in the world ! but I realized at the end what day is today…

4 years ago

Happy April’s fool!.
Now 90% of the info is accurate tho.. but the interview didnt take place LOL .
Most people fell for it. Even Samanta Lily hehe

4 years ago
Reply to  Boobsrealm

What about the losing weight vs reduction? Was that accurate? And that she is not married?

4 years ago
Reply to  ssj3gohan007

I was told she is not married.
Cant confirm that one.
The breast status… that’s the question

4 years ago
Reply to  Boobsrealm

I think she enjoyed shooting with Markus durplee.
In the 3 on 1 video on LP in that she sometimes smiles at him and talks to him. Also in the birthday orgy video she seems to like Jon jon cock. I just wished there was more to the BTS in that video. Also I believe Giorgio gradni Gio directed the birthday orgy video. So he would probably know how she felt truly while performing in the video.

4 years ago
Reply to  Vass_7865

In the picture set to the orgy you can see her being DPed with JonJon and another guy. But it never made it to the video. The hottest girl of the 5 (and the star of the tape) gets the least screen time. Girls who more veteran but not as attractive as Lucy got most of the screen time. LP kinda dropped the bal lthere.

4 years ago
Reply to  GC

Oh I can tell you why it happened…. dont blame LP.
Lucie was complaining and not collaborating with the scene so a lot of her stuff was not gonna make the final version because was not good material.

4 years ago

Why is so angry? We all love her., at least I do.

sandro castanho miguel bragado
4 years ago

more of this please !!!

we want to know the mites . we want to know about porn and real life .
lets go .

4 years ago

i almost fell for it, but not as you think
I thought that you was fooled with a fake interview and paid for it

4 years ago

Nice April Fools! Had me going until I made it to the comments! Probably not far off from what a real interview with her would be like. Terrible shame about the wasted potential of this girl. She went too hard too fast and burned out.

3 years ago

goddam rickrolled in 2021

2 years ago

She did the right thing quitting when she did when her breasts were at their best.

2 years ago

I hope she gets the therapy she needs. When she said she doesn’t enjoy sex at all, I can’t help but wonder what kinds of traumas she’s experienced in her life.

Jack Meoff
1 year ago
Reply to  Jack

Hopefully she can find a decent man that understands her. I dated a girl when I was 30 that had a bad childhood. She could never get straight. Eventually, I had to leave her even though the sex was great. She later had problems with drugs, alcohol and ruined her career (nurse) that showed up at work with an 0.37 BAC! She was given probation but couldn’t stay sober for that. Now lives in a trailer with her mother. Life wasted.

2 years ago

she absolutely number one busty girl pornstar!!!

Robert M
6 months ago

I’m surprised Jana Defi is not in your top 10

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