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Tons of news for today. Tessa Fowler dislikes content leaking, Megara Steele not shooting for other producers, update on the Loyalfans official migration, and MissBoobsRealm2021.

Let’s start with Tessa. The 3-time Miss BoobsRealm winner contacted the well-known titsintops forum to request to stop allowing content leaks. However, she is fine with a couple of photos for content sharing promotion.

Some fans brought up a couple of weeks ago that Tessa had a breakdown on a video posted on her onlyfans. She disliked how fans talked about her and complained about her content plus officially mentioned what the comic that fucked her said and what I already knew about for years. Tessa had addiction issues; however, she has been sober an clean for the past year.

Someone asked me on the comment section of a recent post if I was going to shoot with Megara Steele. The short answer is “No”. Unfortunately, I hate to say it but this is another case of models listening to the wrong people. I spoke with Megara before she shot for XX-Cel and she was down to shoot. However, Megara is now represented by a no-name guy who also represents some Spanish pornstars. This guy might have told her that if she poses for someone else people will not join her onlyfans. So basically this dude might one of those who takes a cut from models and tells them whatever will make sure they get their money every month. SO no, sadly Megara still is no. She is spectacular. It is a shame. I am sure she will be mad I posted this. Anyway, this bridge is burned already.

At least we got Cel manhandle those tits on XX-Cel

Megara Steele Manhandled

megara steele groped

I have an update on the Loyafans. Actually also on Onlyfans. It seems that more and more content creators are having issues getting paid. Some are migrating to other platforms. You can already join the BoobsRealm Onlyfans, which will have all updates added on the Onlyfans starting August. I will make a post later this week with the list of videos and the transition details. However, the Onlyfans will still have new weekly content until September 30th.

BoobsRealm Loyalfans

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Last but not least an update on Miss BoobsRealm 2021. Again, as you may have noticed, I have a lot of difficulties posting due to reasons beyond my control. I have received several e-mails from fans of the blog who want to volunteer helping out creating posts. I appreciate all the messages and good desires. For the moment I will continue to be the only poster; however, maybe I might consider getting some help in the future. How does this impact the Miss Boobs Realm 2021?

The MBR2021 will be a shorter version. I wanted to create a special site for the contest and always go on with the same format, amount of girls and even have an official award; however, all the events outside the boobs world that have impacted my time online are not going to allow it to happen in 2021 and even in 2022. As a result, MBR2021 will not feature many cam girls or amateurs; however, it will feature 60 girls at max. It will be harder to qualify. I might even have to exclude girls I like. This 2021 version will leave out the nostalgia act that some fans still feel anal about.

Girls such as Tessa Fowler and Samanta Lily will be in the contest. However, Hitomi, Nadine, my beloved Katerina Hartlova and others might not make it. We will see.

Tessa fowler missboobsrealm

By Boobsrealm

Big Boobs Lover. twitter: @Boobsrealm_Vip Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/boobsrealm__com/ My top 10 favorites of all time: Katerina Hartlova, Merilyn Sakova, Lucie Wilde, Jenna Doll, Christy Marks, Tanya Song, Beth Lily, Karina Hart, Wendi White and Faith Nelson

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2 years ago

Wish I had one of Tessa’s bras. I’ve tried chatting with her on Only Fans but she wont acknowledge me.

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