Evgenia Talanina BoobsRealm

Fan voting and members of the Committee have voted. Below the analysis of each member of the Committee and the results from the fan voting. The Committee has the goal to avoid hijacking of the contest and evaluates OBJECTIVELY who was the best busty girl in 2020. Each member of the Committee AKA The Booblectoral College has a vote worth 1 point. Fan voting still is worth 2 points. Some fans could be obsessed and vote with their hearts, which could reflect in some model not being the best in that year winning and leaving behind others who deserved it. See 2014 contest and how Lucie Wilde lost, but she is the one legend of this decade.

I invite you to read the detailed analysis.

Fan Voting

Tessa Fowler always rallies in the fan voting. What is surprising is that Misty C was the runner-up despite only having one set in 2020. Mady Gio made it to the 3rd position showing that her IG is on fire.

Fan voting result:  Tessa Fowler – 2 points

This is only fan voting… Read the Committee analysis and the final results below!

miss boobsrealm 2020 finals


A Committee member who has been supportive for years. Has already voted in the past editions. Here his analysis: ” Not much more that can be said that already hasn’t been said about Tessa, but her body of work this year speaks for itself. This is arguably her best year ever, while doing it at least 7/8 years in the game. Sometimes we get spoiled as fans or are looking for the next “big thing” and forget to marvel at the fact that’s she’s a living legend in her prime and doing her best work. Many, and I many, have come and gone over that time period whether it by quitting modeling, reduction or plainly fell the fuck off. There’s something to be said about that. And to use a great quote ” to be the man, you have to beat the man”, and in my opinion nobody did it better than the reigning champ this year.

1) tessa 2) mady 3) misty 4) demmy 5) chucky 6) regina ”

Ninersfan vote: 1 point Tessa Fowler

Douglas Dribbles (DDs)

Authorized voice and big boobs expert. He is the the member invited for this year’s Committee.

” While this may come as a surprise to some, I actually took my responsibility to add my opinion to the Miss bOObsrealm 2020 seriously. While I can’t/won’t reveal my identity, your favorite blog master and big bOObs expert and I have frequent discussions. A lot of these center around bOObs and professional wrestling. One of our ongoing discussions focuses on the lack of new talents in both PROFESSIONS – that are being created or that can be considered to be OVER, aka STARS!

Sure there are a lot of individuals involved that’s undeniable. In the higher end of the spectrum it’s mostly the GRAM types, teasing yet not pleasing… Or the Onlyfans type. The Onlyfans type will soon be FORCED to up their content due to the sheer amount of “creators” now whom jumped aboard. The problem is that the pool is overloaded and the amount of the available pie is shrinking. While I want to see and KNOW that our beloved bOObsrealm OF is prosperous, the others will most likely be lost in the shuffle as the Square Hammer comes down.
Now that brings me to my selections. It took a lot of thinking and debate to reach this point. I even asked my wife HER OPINION. You see, she’s perfectly fine with my bOObs obsession. Plus she’s got fantastic ALL NATURAL Triple F’s herself. Did you expect anything different? We differed on this. However there should be an asterisk as she wasn’t familiar with the contestants. I tried to bring her up to speed. Her 1st and 2nd, remarkably were my 2nd and 1st. Her reasoning was she felt the one has “gone to the extreme already so exactly what is left?” good point… And “that the other has plenty of room to go still.” This is where we differ. I countered that with, “Yes, but she’s been stuck in this exact position for the longest time, and really I seriously doubt she’ll go further.”
I’ll enjoy Tessa Fowler for Life Enternal. Been a fan from nearly the start. I was always hopeful she’d do at least one harder type of scene. Look at Next Door Nikki. She’s been doing the exact same gimmick, with the occasional nip showing forever. Boring. Then let’s look at Amanda Love. Holy Crap… That 11 minutes video leak was more than epic. It was easily a dream come true. Will Tessa go there? Well, she did start showing her kitty on Onlyfans. Was it done to reward her long time and the newer fans? Was it the crunch on Onlyfans that pushed her? And that censored like a JAV Video blowjob teaser… Was it meant to test the waters, or tease yet not go further?
In my honest opinion Tessa has gone as far as she can with her current creative approach. Do I enjoy her, absolutely, she’s fantastic. She’s the girl of your dreams type! Am I tired of the same shtick, absolutely. Still she is the type you want to serenade: “Wanna bewitch you in the Moonlight, just wanna be
I wanna bewitch you all night!” like in Dance Macabre! She’s still my runner up. However she is in probably one of the most lucrative positions she could be in. If she wants YOUR ATTENTION – and money… If she would go and do a more risqué presentation, then by all means, “Do I have your attention now? Yes, you sure do!”
My vote for Miss bOObsrealm 2020 goes to Chuky Dream aka ViolettaCH. And I’ll tell you why. She used her assets to the maximum extent of her ability. She held nothing back. She delivered with content. Her prior efforts were more extreme, as she’s seemingly settled into a more one on one approach after her pregnancy. Still, she’s quietly gained an underground following. Basically with zero in the way of a push from anyone. That’s impressive! And she IS DAMN SEXY. I really like her eyes. I could see her getting some more extensive work, if she so desires. A child is an expensive piece of business to maintain. Getting a few gigs in the bigger picture definitely would help support that endeavor. Plus it would bring more eyes to her presentation. Can’t hurt, right?
In conclusion, 2021 will prove to be very interesting. Tessa may be challenged by the ever evolving economics of the world and Onlyfans to go further into the abyss. Will she? I have Faith. Only time will tell. As long as the GRAM ridiculously remains as a good form of financial support I seriously doubt those types will break from that. I personally disqualify them based on the premise that the Miss bOObsrealm should be based on exposed bOObs. Plus these individuals need to be more forward thinking AKA smart to see the field is crowded and getting more crowded as the lure of earning money for doing little is better than working. Will that trend continue? Make no mistake, it will be interesting. I’m also curious how the effect of COVID-19 after Year Zero, will play a role in all of this? Will the game be over for only the biggest? Will some unknowns take a risk and put out solid content? Will Samantha Solo continue to be the most talked about by the MAINSTREAM as a non actress, movie star, etc on Onlyfans? Will piracy kill the plans of a girl like Tessa, fearing it will end up pirated by those RATS IF I DO IT? Will the apparent mainstream adult entertainment trend of crossing straight with transexuals continue? Will Onlyfans go From the Pinnacle to the Pit? As for the 3rd and downwards – I’d say Demmy Blaze. And the rest? They can fight it out amongst themselves for the scraps. “


Douglas Dribbles: Chuky Dream AKA ViolettaCCH -1 point

chuky dream gangbang


He has not only been in the Committe since its inception, he also has collaborate with information for posts and some troubleshooting of the website and fixing with technically stuff.

Miss BoobsRealm goes to Mysti C. I was incredibly blown away by her perfectly luscious breasts when she was first revealed on Nadine-J.de but when she was finally unmasked… WOW! Absolutely beautiful! Striking eyes and slender face. Very sexy! Can’t wait to see more of her in 2021! Runner-up goes to Tessa Fowler. She’s definitely made the most of the global lockdown by producing a lot OnlyFans content, slowly revealing more than ever and unleashing her sexuality! Even TEASING a very special scene… will Tessa take it to the next level?”

MonkeyBoySam’s pick: Misty C – 1 point


It was not an easy year for anyone. I recognize that Mady Gio could have been the Queen of the year by showing the big naturals, but she didn’t. It is still impressive that she was 3rd in the fan voting. Regina is a star to watch in the future. Just dancing on Bigo and a few photos put her through the competition until the finals. She is definitively a potential 2021 winner should she realize her potential. Misty C is spectacular, but I do not feel she worked enough. Many consider I was against Tessa. That is not the case,  but I do consider that despite being a Legend, she only started doing content in late 2020. What gave her points was her full nudity and that famous short clip. I think that because of the latter, the fan voting could be well deserved. Tessa is my runner-up. My pick is Demmy Blaze, who has worked consistently during the year and did not disappoint her fans. Quality content and immense work rate. I would have vote Chuky Dream just to have a tie-breaker between Tessa and Chuky, but I respect all the votes.

Boobsrealm pic: Demmy Blaze – 1 point


Miss Boobs Realm 2020: Tessa Fowler (4-time winner and 2-time consecutive winner). 3 points

Runner-up:  Chuky Dream AKA ViolettaCH 1 point

3rd place: Misty C: 1 point

BoobsRealm is contacting Tessa Fowler so send her the prize and get her a customized tank top!

Join BoobsRealm Onlyfans

Tessa fowler missboobsrealm

By Boobsrealm

Big Boobs Lover. twitter: @Boobsrealm_Vip Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/boobsrealm__com/ My top 10 favorites of all time: Katerina Hartlova, Merilyn Sakova, Lucie Wilde, Jenna Doll, Christy Marks, Tanya Song, Beth Lily, Karina Hart, Wendi White and Faith Nelson

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4 years ago

There is no point analysing the data looking for meaning the contest is seriously flawed. Angela White is the only person who can defeat Tessa we all know this so the contest was decided when she was deliberately left out.

4 years ago

Disappointed with results but that is vox populi so we have to respect that.

4 years ago

That new chick, Lolo Savo deserves to be in the next contest even if she finally gets a reduction. That girl is amazing, check her out, guys. And about the contest… I think it doesn’t really work… I enjoy the voting, but I don’t think the best girls get to the finals. I don’t know how to improve it, but this way it doesn’t work. I voted for Tessa, but if Hitomi was in the finals, maybe I would have voted for her, Hitomi deserves to be in the Hall of Fame. But making her face Tessa in the first… Read more »

4 years ago

Tessa is the clear winner and has proven she is the champion. In the first round, she had by far the most talented group, which included Beth Lily, and she came out victorious. In round 2, Tessa was placed against Hitomi. Hitomi destroyed her competition in round 1. Tessa victoriously defeated Hitomi. In the final round, Tessa won the fan voting by more than 20% than the second place finisher! Additionally, the Committee members that did not vote for Tessa, placed her as a runner-up. Everything I have stated proves Tessa is the clear 2020 BoobsRealm champion.

4 years ago
I had just with 2 out of 3 on the head trio. I had bet on Mady Gio but it missed a bit!
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